Wednesday, December 25, 2019

My Cousin Is A Timid And Unsocial Girl - 1576 Words

ï  µ Refuses to Talk to Other People My cousin is a timid and unsocial girl. When she transferred to a new school, she rarely communicated with her classmates and therefore, did not have any new friends. Research has found that students involved in bullying are at greater risk for a number of mental health problems such as increased feelings of loneliness, a loss of self-esteem, and difficulties making friends or maintaining relationships with classmate (2001). When she suffered from extreme anxiety and panic attacks over the past few periods, she barricaded herself and refused to talk to other people, even her parents. ï  µ Afraid to Go to School Due to my cousin being a new student, she is not too familiar with her new environment and finds†¦show more content†¦Figure 1shows that students report lower academic achievement levels are more likely to be involved in bullying. Figure 1: Linkages between academic achievement and involvement in bullying ( Recommendations of preventing school bullying In order to build up a safe environment where my cousin can thrive socially and academically; the school should take the following actions to address bullying. ïÆ' ¼ Establish Firm Policy to Stop Bullying Behavior Schools are responsible for keeping students safe. The school should develop a policy on bullying and aggressive or violent behavior. ( Rigby, K. 2001) Include both the rules and expectations and the consequences for breaking the rules. Make sure that all students, their parents and guardians, and community members are aware of the policy. Review the policy on a regular basis to make sure it is relevant. ïÆ' ¼ Provide Adequate Monitoring in Bully-prone Areas Bullying occurs everywhere: in home, high schools and in the workplace. (Olweus,1995). Teachers and administrators need to be aware that bullying generally happens in school areas. Figure 2 shows that the classroom; bathroom hallways and playground are three main bully-prone areas. If a teacher observes bullying in a classroom, he or she needs to immediately

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Should Marijuana Be Legalized Essay - 2027 Words

Should Marijuana be Legalized or Should It Remain Illegal? Brendan French UN1015 R23 Michigan Technological University Abstract Marijuana has been on both the good and bad side of people’s opinion. However, the pros outweigh the cons. The research of the paper is both from the opinion of the writer and other people’s ideas as well. Marijuana is important for many reasons such as medicinal purposes. It can be used to treat people that are sick. Some questions that may occur are: What kinds of things can marijuana treat? What other things about marijuana make it so great? Are there any arguments that is not that great of a thing? All these should be covered in the paper. The method is research articles and finding good supporting details. To show that this topic is very important and worth making an argument out of. Marijuana is not as bad as everyone thinks and is very significant. Some results I found were that it is very even on each side of the spectrum. A lot of people want marijuana legalized and a lot want it to stay illegal. Marijuana can and should be legalized because it increas es the economy, it can be used for medicinal purposes, and it decreases the crime rate. Some of my keywords are marijuana, crime, economy, and medicinal. The conclusion is that the pros outweigh the odds. Marijuana can have a very big impact in someone’s life. It can heal them when they are in pain. It can pick someone up and put them on their feet by providing jobs. It can alsoShow MoreRelatedShould Marijuana Be Legalized?849 Words   |  4 Pageswhether marijuana should be legalized. Around 23 states have legalized marijuana for medical and recreational use. In the state of Illinois, medicinal use of marijuana has been passed on April 17, 2013. Since January 2014, patients are able to obtain marijuana with a doctor s recommendation. The new debate is whether marijuana should be legalized for the general public as a recreational drug. Although some believe that marijuana is harmless, and that it has beneficial medicinal uses, marijuana shouldRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Leg alized?1715 Words   |  7 PagesMarijuana in Society Cannabis, formally known as marijuana is a drug obtained from the tops, stems and leaves of the hemp plant cannabis. The drug is one of the most commonly used drugs in the world. Only substances like caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are used more (â€Å"Marijuana† 1). In the U. S. where some use it to feel â€Å"high† or get an escape from reality. The drug is referred to in many ways; weed, grass, pot, and or reefer are some common names used to describe the drug (â€Å"Marijuana† 1). Like mostRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1489 Words   |  6 Pagescannabis plant or marijuana is intended for use of a psychoactive drug or medicine. It is used for recreational or medical uses. In some religions, marijuana is predominantly used for spiritual purposes. Cannabis is indigenous to central and south Asia. Cannabis has been scientifically proven that you can not die from smoking marijuana. Marijuana should be legalized to help people with medical benefits, econo mic benefits, and criminal benefits. In eight states, marijuana was legalized for recreationalRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1245 Words   |  5 PagesMarijuana is a highly debatable topic that is rapidly gaining attention in society today.   Legalizing marijuana can benefit the economy of this nation through the creation of jobs, increased tax revenue, and a decrease in taxpayer money spent on law enforcement.   Ã‚  Many people would outlaw alcohol, cigarettes, fast food, gambling, and tanning beds because of the harmful effects they have on members of a society, but this is the United States of America; the land of the free and we should give peopleRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1010 Words   |  5 PagesThe legalization of marijuana became a heated political subject in the last few years. Twenty-one states in America have legalized medical marijuana. Colorado and Washington are the only states where marijuana can be purchased recreationally. Marijuana is the high THC level part of the cannabis plant, which gives users the â€Å"high† feeling. There is ample evidence that supports the argument that marijuana is beneficial. The government should legalize marijuana recreationally for three main reasonsRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1231 Words   |  5 Pagesshows the positive benefits of marijuana, it remains illegal under federal law. In recent years, numerous states have defied federal law and legalized marijuana for both recreational and medicinal use. Arizona has legalized marijuana for medical use, but it still remains illegal to use recreationally. This is absurd, as the evidence gathered over the last few decades strongly supports the notion that it is safer than alcohol, a widely available substance. Marijuana being listed as a Schedule I drugRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1350 Words   |  6 Pagespolitics in the past decade would have to be the legalization of marijuana. The sale and production of marijuana have been legalized for medicinal uses in over twenty states and has been legalized for recreational uses in seven states. Despite the ongoing support for marijuana, it has yet to be fully legalized in the federal level due to cultural bias against â€Å"pot† smoking and the focus over its negative effects. However, legalizing marijuana has been proven to decrease the rate of incrimination in AmericaRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1145 Words   |  5 PagesLegalizing Marijuana Marijuana is a drug that has been actively used for centuries. This drug can be traced back to 2737 BC by the Chinese emperor Shen Nung. He spoke about the euphoric effects of Cannabis and even referred to it as the â€Å"Liberator of Sin.† Since early on, marijuana was seen as a medicinal plant that was recommended for medical uses. Marijuana is currently in schedule I, which means that physicians are not allowed to prescribe it in the United States (Hart, Ksir 2013). This drugRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?997 Words   |  4 PagesLegalize It: The Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana Should marijuana be legalized? Many Americans have been asked this question or have heard some type of news about the issue. Marijuana is commonly known as cannabis which refers to the dried up hemp plant cannabis sativa, even though marijuana is a plant and has no chemical additives it has been a tropic of controversy for many years but nowadays it is in the spotlight more than ever. For centuries, marijuana has been used by people throughout theRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1457 Words   |  6 PagesSHOULD MARIJUANA BE LEGALIZED? Marijuana is a drug that has sparked much controversy over the past decade as to whether or not it should be legalized. People once thought of marijuana as a bad, mind-altering drug which changes a person’s personality which can lead to crime and violence through selling and buying it. In the past, the majority of citizens believed that marijuana is a harmful drug that should be kept off the market and out of the hands of the public. However, a recent study conducted

Monday, December 9, 2019

Darwin the Murderer free essay sample

The paper discusses Darwins self-proclamation of being the murderer of God. It examines how Darwin forever altered the widespread belief of traditional Christianity that existed before the publication of his theories. This paper looks at the evolutionary theories of Charles Darwin, and his most notable works, The Origin of the Species and The Descent of Man. The author examines how Darwins theories were viewed by the church, the scientific community, and society in general. The paper discusses how the theory of evolution jarred the world, drastically changing peoples views of God and creation. Prior to Charles Darwins publication of his novel, The Origin of Species, most people believed in some form of biblical creationism. The Origin of Species was published in 1859, containing theories of evolution and natural selection that were foundationally incompatible with many of the beliefs of the Church. Darwin was later quoted to have said that he didnt intend to murder God?, Small. We will write a custom essay sample on Darwin the Murderer or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However he did so in a sense?he forever altered the widespread belief of traditional Christianity that existed before the publication of his discoveries.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Technology In Education Essays - Distance Education,

Technology In Education The best method for improving educational standards is to utilize every tool available, including state-of-the-art technology. Computers and the Internet have expanded the way in which education can be delivered to the students of today. Today's networking technologies provide a valuable opportunity to the practice of learning techniques. Educators are discovering that computers and multi-based educational tools are facilitating learning and enhancing social interaction. Computer based telecommunications can offer enormous instructional opportunities, but educators will need to adapt current lesson plan to incorporate this new medium into all the classrooms. The only problem is that some of today's schools are hindered by an underpowered technology based curriculum and, in order to stay competitive, the American educational system must do a better job of integrating. Computers have made a fundamental change in most industries, providing a competitive advantage that has come to be essential to stay in business. Therefore, education must also use technology to improve the educational process instead of simply applying it to existing structures. School systems often consider acquiring an enterprise computer network, but justify its purchase by applying it to routine administrative tasks, or take period by period attendance. Although these tasks are important, they only represent a small part of what technology can do for an educational institution. Technology must go beyond just keeping attendance; it must focus on keeping students interested and productive. "Curriculum improvement is the best strategy to prevent dropouts; technology is especially useful in this regard". Technology can provide a unique and compelling curriculum resource that challenges every student. The Clinton administration has taken steps towards improving educational standards via its "Goals 2000: Educate America Act of 1994" However, several interpretations of the Act never mention the use of technology. Advocates of the Act need to realize that Internet linked computers can provide more current information than what is found in today's "exciting" textbooks. For example, science textbooks and history textbooks are notoriously out of date. In contrast, the Internet offers students a vast pool of current scientific data. Most of the time the Internet makes learning fun, unlike the plain fashion of the "almighty" textbook. Computers and other technology can also heighten the learning process by actively engaging students in the task of exploring data. Some students may be tempted to simply download information from the Internet that does not have anything to do with a particular subject that they were asked to research. This shows that the Internet may have a greater impact to education than to learn that information from a typical textbook. Since computers and the Internet have expanded the way with which education can be delivered to students, it is currently possible to engage in distance education on specialized subject and fields through the Internet. Distance education involves audio-video linkage of teachers to many students and even in remote areas. Video conferencing allows groups to communicate with each other. Desktop video conferencing promises to bring student together from geographic and cultural distances face to face via computer. Students in New York City will be able to learn about a Chinese culture, not only through books, but also from Chinese students. Not only will the teacher talk to the students but also the students will be able to interact with each other. This will make the students more interested and fascinated with learning about another culture. Not only does the Internet, and video conferencing help education, also Microsoft has created new programs for designed for educational purposes, some of these are "Encarta World Atlas" and "Encarta Encyclopedia." These two particular programs make learning easier and more enjoyable, all because of the use of the CD-ROM device. Instead of looking for a particular country and simply finding out where it is in a regular atlas, students can type in the name of that country, and not only will they find out where it is faster, but they will obtain more information about that particular country. Instead of having volumes and volumes of heavy encyclopedias, Microsoft has placed all of these massive books into one light CD. This CD is much simpler than the unpleasant job of flipping page by page just to read about an uninteresting topic, such as history. But, with the use of this CD, not only do you receive regular information, but you may also view videos about certain people and battles. This makes education an enjoyable task. With "Microsoft Works" student will be able to cut and paste their way to make interesting multimedia research documents. This computer program offers a spell-check, thesaurus, and other helpful features which make

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

National Cap on Foreign Hire is Maxed Out essays

National Cap on Foreign Hire is Maxed Out essays With unemployment at its lowest and the demand for skilled and unskilled workers at a high where do business owners turn to fill the empty positions. A large percentage of them hire foreigners; most of which have a H-1B visa. But to the surprise of some high-tech business owners the National cap on foreign hires is maxed out. 115,000 H-1B visas are accepted each year and that number has already been reached. 74,300 have been approved and 45,000 are still pending approval. Stephen Dahms, an SDSU professor and chairman of a work force committee for Biocom, said, if the companies havent had their requests in from the first part of the fiscal year (beginning October 1), theyre out of the running. Many high-tech companies such as Qualcomm depend on the employment of foreigners. Many of the high-tech companies have created thousands of jobs in the past years by using foreign hires, in turn creating much success for them by the increased production. There are many business owners that are saying that the cap should be raised. Thom Stohler, director of work force policy for the American Electronics Association said, the fact the visa cap has been reached earlier in the year is proof the cap needs to be raised. While many businesses are using foreign hires to accommodate the need for employees, some are using the visa program to their advantage by paying low wages. Since you dont have to pay foreigners the same wages as U.S. citizens these employees are being used as cheep labor. Jerry Butkiewiez, secretary-treasurer for the San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council said, The biggest reason companies are using the visa program is to control wages for its current and future staffers. It is even thought that some companies are bypassing qualified U.S. workers the keep their labor costs down. This whole scenario is displaying supply and demand...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Death of Queen Victoria and Her Era

The Death of Queen Victoria and Her Era Queen Victoria was the second-longest reigning British monarch in history, ruling the United Kingdom from 1837 to 1901. Her death on Jan. 22, 1901, at age 81 was mourned around the world and signaled an end to the Victorian Era. Queen Victoria Dies For months, Queen Victorias health had been failing. She had lost her appetite and started looking frail and thin. She would tire more easily and would often have bouts of confusion. Then, on January 17, the queens health took a severe turn for the worse. When she woke up, her personal physician, Dr. James Reid, noticed that the left side of her face had started to sag. Also, her speech had become slightly slurred. She had suffered one of several small strokes. By the following day, the queens health was worse. She stayed in bed all day, unaware of who was by her bedside. Early in the morning of Jan. 19, Queen Victoria seemed to rally. She asked Dr. Reid if she was better, to which he assured her that she was. But she quickly slipped out of consciousness again. It had become obvious to Dr. Reid that Queen Victoria was dying. He summoned her children and grandchildren. At 6:30 p.m. on Jan. 22 Queen Victoria died, surrounded by her family, at the Osborne House on the Isle of Wight. Preparing the Coffin Queen Victoria had left very detailed instructions as to how she wanted her funeral. This included specific things she wanted inside her coffin. Many of the items were from her beloved husband, Albert, who had died in 1861. On January 25, Dr. Reid carefully placed the items Queen Victoria had requested in the bottom of her coffin: Alberts dressing gown, a plaster cast of Alberts hand, and photographs. When that was done, Queen Victorias body was lifted into the coffin with the help of her son Albert (the new king), her grandson William (the German Kaiser), and her son Arthur (the Duke of Connaught). Then, as instructed, Dr. Reid helped place Queen Victorias wedding veil over her face and, once the others had departed, placed a picture of her favorite personal attendant John Brown in her right hand, which he covered with flowers. When all was ready, the coffin was closed and then carried to the dining room where it was covered with the Union Jack (Britains flag) while the body lay in state. The Funeral Procession On February 1, Queen Victorias coffin was moved from Osborne House and placed on the ship Alberta, which carried the queens coffin across the Solent to Portsmouth. On February 2, the coffin was transported by train to Victoria Station in London. From Victoria to Paddington, the queens coffin was carried by gun carriage, since Queen Victoria had requested a military funeral. She had also wanted a white funeral, so the gun carriage was pulled by eight white horses. The streets along the funeral route were crowded with spectators who wanted to get a last glimpse of the queen. As the carriage passed by everyone remained silent. All that could be heard were the clattering of the horses hooves, the jangling of swords, and the distant boom of gun salutes. Once at Paddington, the queens coffin was placed on a train and taken to Windsor. At Windsor, the coffin was again placed on a gun carriage pulled by white horses. This time, however, the horses began to act up and were so unruly that they broke their harness. Since the front of the funeral procession was unaware of the problem, they had already marched up Windsor Street before they were stopped and turned around. Quickly, alternate arrangements had to be made. The naval guard of honor found a communication cord and turned it into an impromptu harness and the sailors themselves then pulled the queens funeral carriage. Queen Victorias coffin was then placed in St. Georges Chapel at Windsor Castle, where it remained in the Albert Memorial Chapel for two days under guard. Burial of Queen Victoria On the evening of February 4, Queen Victorias coffin was taken by gun carriage to Frogmore Mausoleum, which she had built for her beloved Albert upon his death. Above the mausoleums doors, Queen Victoria had inscribed, Vale desideratissime. Farewell most beloved. Here at length I shall rest with thee, with thee in Christ I shall rise again.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Right attitude in a medical office setting Essay

Right attitude in a medical office setting - Essay Example 93), it must be a decision or a choice that will have to be made. One can therefore choose to have positive or negative and like in any work setting, the positive attitude must be the preferred choice to contribute to the business of providing care to the patients. A positive attitude of employees can help a lot in the recovery of patients. Since attitude affects and influences other’s behavior, a responsible medical employee must behave positively to influence people in office including the patients and other co-workers. A medical assistant for example will be able to transmit positive attitude towards the patient if he or she accepts the patient as a unique individual who with rights of treatment with dignity and compassion in a non-judgmental manner (Southard, 2008). The employee needs demonstrate empathy, interest and concern by telling patient or letting the latter feel that he or she is important to the employee (Southard, 2008). Such a caring attitude exerts a positive influence on the sick person’s attitude, behavior and response. The same could help in promoting the fast recovery of the patient. An employee’s good personal appearance can help the patients to perceive a positive attitude of the person and how the medical office values them. Every employee must also have a positive image to the patient. This can be done by showing good health and good grooming present.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

SECTION C OF CAP TK 3C Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

SECTION C OF CAP TK 3C - Essay Example I understood my role as a project manager not as directing the project, and also recognized that I cannot effectively achieve my goals without receiving the proper information on financial performance, in a timely manner. Financial account is concerned with the business language. Additionally, I have realised that this is a common channel through which all parties can effectively communicate issues of business. It is the common media through which people of all walks can effectively understand one another equally. This language has been used in the project to record different transactions and summarize the results of the project operations. It is this information, which is then used by other interested parties to understand matters of the project that they are interested with. For example, the performance reports are used by the project manager to understand whether the project is running effectively and according to the set goals. Essentially, I have come to understand that financia l accounting is the backbone of any coordination and planning in an organization or a project, and it must be taken with the seriousness it deserves. Courses and Assessments that contributed to the Lessons Financial accounting and analysis Cost accounting Project management Company analysis Financial statement analysis Ratio analysis Budget planning and analysis Lesson #2: Corporate social responsibility Mount Sinai Hospital takes the responsibility of ensuring the wellbeing and health of its employees, customers as well as the stakeholders, as part of its Social Corporate Responsibility. Given that 1 in every 8 women in the US is diagnosed with cancer, the hospital recognises the fact that even some of its workers may have come into contact with cancer in one way or another. Therefore, the hospital works in partnership with other well-wisher-organisations such as Breakthrough Breast Cancer, in order to deliver a scheme that contributes funds to promote life-saving breast awareness to people that are affected. Indeed, creating cancer awareness was one of the action plans towards implementation of the current project. This helps the public and particularly the women who are susceptible to become aware of the worth of undertaking regular cancer check-ups – with this they will realize that early detection can help reduce the chances of dying from cancer because treatment can be easier. The hospital undertakes awareness with the help of likeminded partners, by use of display words and pictures on product packaging as well as on special stickers in the hospital’s women changing rooms. In addition, Mt Sinai Hospital is involved in distribution of education materials to its staff and customers across the US. When I interacted with top managers that are involved with social responsibility plans, they made be aware that social responsibility is part and parcel of the hospitals’ strategic plans, and that its unique nature is that it is not profit or iented. Instead, the programme is used as a way of giving back to the community with the expectation of benefits such as improved public image and brand awareness. Essentially, I came to understand that Social Corporate Responsibility does not lead to waste of resources especially because its long-term benefits are worthwhile. Courses and assessments that contributed to the Lessons Company analysis Management and leadership Marketing and brand

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Graduating from High School Essay Example for Free

Graduating from High School Essay Most grade-schoolers dream about the day they will walk across the stage on beginning day and receive their diplomas. They are under the impression they will be free from all work in their life, and be able to finally live. A person graduating from high school can take many directions in life; most graduates also go to dorm at college, travel to college, or start working. First, many graduates run from their parents and desire to go to college as far away from home as possible. When students move away, they get their first feel of living away from home. Which brings everyday jobs like Cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry are a few examples of how college students have to learn to give for themselves. Also, earning a college degree gives a person greater earning like the ability to work in the field of their choice. Going away to college can be a wonderful time for a person to grown-up and start their adult life. Another decision a person may choose after graduating high school is commute to a college. Traveling is not a possibility for everyone graduating high school because of location, but can be a great chance for those who are in drivable distance to a college. Living with parents and driving to college can save college student money because they do not have to pay to dorm. Staying with parents means mom is still around to give home cooked meals and life does not change from high school. Commuting to college can be a great way to save money, while still earning a college degree. Last, many high school students decide not to go to a college and join the work force right after high school. This means they will not be able to pay back expensive school loans and will be able to have more financial freedom in the short term. A person joining the work has the ability to stay in touch with friends in the area they live in and a few years after graduating or find their own place to reside. Joining the work force out of high school is a great option for some people who choose to do so but is not the best plan for those who want to more education. A person’s decision about what they will do after high school, weather it is going away to college, commuting to college or joining the work force, will affect them the rest of their life. A lot of thought and prayer should go into any decision, especially those which will affect a person for the rest of their life. In the end, if a person they believe God wants them to does it will end up the way God wants it.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Supernatural in Shakespeares Macbeth - The Supernatural is only Natural :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

Supernatural in Macbeth In the play Macbeth, there were many interesting sections that could be further analyzed due to the suspense and the involvement of the supernatural. The use of the supernatural in the witches, the visions, the ghost, and the apparitions is a key element in making the concept (What concept?   State it or you may confuse your reader.) of the play work and in making the play interesting. By examining the play, it is noticed that the supernatural is definitely a major factor on the play's style. The use of the supernatural occurs immediately at the beginning of the play with three witches predicting the fate of Macbeth. The predictions of the witches gives the audience a clue to Macbeth’s future.   When the second witch said, "When the battles lost and won" (Act I, Scene I, l.4), she meant that one side loses every battle and another side wins. Macbeth's fate is that he will win the battle, but he will also lose his time of victory for the battle of his soul. After the prophecies of the witches revealed the fate of Macbeth, the plan in which to gain power of the throne is brought up. (Reword.   Unclear.)   The two ways to gain the power of the throne was for Macbeth to either inherit the throne or to murder and succeed King Duncan. Murdering the king was the easiest plan since the motivation in Macbeth’s dreams urged him on. Lady Macbeth also relied on the supernatural by her soliloquy, calling upon the evil spirits to give her the power to plot the murder of Duncan without any remorse or conscience (Act I, Scene V, ll.42-57).   The three sisters are capable of leading people into danger resulting in death, such as the sailor who never slept (Act I, Scene III, ll.1-37).   (Double-check citations.) Lady Macbeth convinced her husband Macbeth to murder King Duncan.   On the night they planned to kill Duncan, Macbeth waited for Lady Macbeth to ring the signal bell to go up the stairs to Duncan's chamber. He sees the vision of a floating dagger. The interest of the dagger is that it leads Macbeth towards the chamber by the presence of evil of the dagger being covered with blood. (Reword to make more sense.   Avoid the passive voice and saying â€Å"of the† so frequently.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Putting Our Brains on Hold Essay

The reading â€Å" Putting Our Brains on Hold,† by Bob Herbert, indicates that the United States is twelve among countries with college degrees. Also, this reading indicates that the percentage of people with college degrees has fallen, and that America’s young people are moving in the wrong direction at a time when college education is needed. Herbert says that engagement in issues that happen in society can lead to creative ideas and would enrich the lives of Americans. Many people are to blame for the society not engaging in the issues that happen in society. The most significant idea in this reading is parents, students, the educational establishment, government leaders, and the news media having the blame for not letting the society engage in the issues that happen to the society. Many children do badly in school because of their parents. Children of middle and upper classes are more likely to get high grades. Traumatic events can affect a child by giving that child a poor grade.The more time a parent spends with a child the more likely a child is to get a better grade. Children can do baldy in the classroom because of their carelessness.Teacher preparation is important for a teacher to be effective in the classroom. Good teacher preparation can have an affect on a student’s academic achievement. A teacher’s confidence can affect a student’s performance. It is important that teachers believe in themselves and in their abilities. The media can also affect children’s performance in school in a negative way. Television watching can replace activities that can help a child do better in school such as reading and doing homework. Television can also replace reading. Reading requires more thinking than television watching. Reading development. This is how television can affect a person’s performance in school. Many people are not learning about the issues that happen in society. Many people are to blame for the society not engaging in the issues that happen everyday. This engagement can lead to creative ideas.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

History Part B

Controlled assessment part b i. Representation 1 is from the The English Police Force; A Political and Social History written by Clive Emsley, published in 1991. It suggests that the police were ineffective at stopping/preventing major crimes such as robbery. However, they were effective at stopping minor crimes in the local community. Representation 2 is A Plaint by a P’liceman, a poem published in Punch magazine in the late nineteenth century.It also suggests that the police were ineffective at stopping/preventing major crimes and that limited the effectiveness of the Police. However, the representation also suggests that the police were effective at stopping/preventing minor crimes but that was seen as ‘stop[ing] little boys from playing ball’. Representations 1 and 2 have a number of similarities. First of all Rep 1 and 2 portray the negative attitude towards the Police. This is shown by ‘belief among many of the working class that there was a law for th e rich and another, harsher law, for the poor.In some areas, they allowed fights and other law breaking activities, which they would’ve acted against elsewhere’. From representation 2, i can spot that it agrees with representation 1 as it says ‘’The street’s re quite unsafe’ they say, You’re robbed and mobbed in broad noonday But little boys they mustn’t play’’. Representation 1 also gives the impression that the Police were capable of preventing petty crimes but they differ in tone. This is shown by ‘what the police were especially good at, was apprehending those who committed petty street offences . Representation 2 is similar and i know this from ‘Stop little boys from playing ball, or move away an apple stall’. Finally, Representation 1 suggests that the police themselves were not to blame for their ineffectiveness. I know this from ‘The police never had sufficient manpower to suppress disorder entirely’. Representation 2 is similar as it suggests ‘ Well, if from growls you can refrain, it ain’t of us you should complain You’ve got thank SIR RICHARD MAYNE’. Representation 1 and 2 have a number of differences.First of all Rep 1 gives a negative view towards the police but it differs in attitude compared to Representation 2. This shown by the fact that Representation 1 gives negative view towards the police but it gives some positives of the Police, therefore giving balanced argument. However, Representation 2 gives a generally one sided view of the police, which is negative. The representation doesn’t seem to take into account the other side of Policing, creating a one-sided and biased view. Both representations differ in tone.I know this as Representation 1 gives an academic style, due to the language used. You must also take into account that it’s from a textbook. Meaning that it will have to be fair when creating a judgement of the Police. Representation 1 tends to use words such as ‘however’ and ‘although’. Representation 2 is wholly one sided being exaggerated. Emotional language is used, in order to build a negative view image of the police. I know this from the exaggeration and comparison of petty street offenders to boys ‘They bids me chivvy little boys’In conclusion the two representations are mostly different as the first representation gives a balanced view making a conclusion at the end after evaluating all points. Whereas, the 2nd Representation gives a negative focus and tone towards the Police without even considering the usefulness of the police. The main reason for this is Representation 1 concludes that ‘Although they[working class] may not have liked the Police, they realised that the police force were there to protect and serve the community’.By concluding in this manner, it shows that there is an understanding as to why the police are judged in a certain way but gave a reason as to why the Police were existent and that was to put order in society. Whereas, Representation 2 portrays the Police as useless when considering all the crimes that the Police should prevent. Representation 2 consider’s the Police as people who only put a plaster on the wound rather than healing the wound, in a sense. The downside for Representation 2 is that it is completely one sided which allows a lot of criticism to be made.The most important areas of difference is the tone and focus. I say this because, there is a clear difference because of the tone and focus. Representation 1 is a formal and factual piece focusing on all aspects of policing, thus, allowing the reader to understand the Police properly and leave the reader to make his own judgement. However, when it comes to Representation 2, the piece is informal and focuses only on the negative aspects of the Police. The piece doesn’t allow the reader to ma ke his own judgement fairly.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Prisoner Of War

revealed only part of the reality of the forty-four months he was held captive. At the time of his capture, he weighed 180 lbs. and when he was released, he weighed a mere 100 lbs. Obviously, prisoners of war were malnourished. Red Cross supplied them with food but only one packet was actually given to his camp during the 3 and a half years he was there. The Japanese would keep the rest for their soldiers. Bread was supplied but it was mixed with sawdust so that more of it could be distributed. Many prisoners would get sick because of the food and even resorted to eating grasshoppers. Being malnourished did lead to intestinal and respiratory problems and diseases were wide spread such as malaria, tuberculosis and beriberi. ... Free Essays on Prisoner Of War Free Essays on Prisoner Of War Prisoners of War: Living With Uncertainty Is it possible that people can live in such horrible conditions and live to tell about it? In regards to World War II and people who were taken as prisoners of the war, the answer is yes, but only for a few. A prisoner of war, or POW, is a term for a member of the armed forces who is captured and confined during war. The Geneva Convention of 1929 was a series of agreements that stated that prisoners of the war would be treated humanely. But as one can imagine, humane treatment towards POWs was not strictly enforced. During times of war, enemies take men as prisoners. During World War II, both the axis and the allies took prisoners. However, those men captured by the allies were treated somewhat better than those of the axis powers were. Japan never signed the Geneva Convention and therefore did not feel obligated to its rules. In World War II, the Japanese captured 30,000 men. Among them was Arnold Green who was captured at Wake Island. This island was very small and was situated in the North Pacific Ocean. It was captured by the Japanese and held until the end of World War II. Mr. Green remembers gruesome details and his shocking words revealed only part of the reality of the forty-four months he was held captive. At the time of his capture, he weighed 180 lbs. and when he was released, he weighed a mere 100 lbs. Obviously, prisoners of war were malnourished. Red Cross supplied them with food but only one packet was actually given to his camp during the 3 and a half years he was the re. The Japanese would keep the rest for their soldiers. Bread was supplied but it was mixed with sawdust so that more of it could be distributed. Many prisoners would get sick because of the food and even resorted to eating grasshoppers. Being malnourished did lead to intestinal and respiratory problems and diseases were wide spread such as malaria, tuberculosis and beriberi. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Biography of Cory Booker, Democratic U.S. Senator

Biography of Cory Booker, Democratic U.S. Senator Cory Booker is an American politician and rising star in the Democratic Party who is considered a likely candidate for president in the 2020 election. He is a former  mayor of Newark, New Jersey, who once considered challenging the most popular governor in the U.S.,  Republican Gov. Chris Christie,  but chose instead to seek election to the U.S. Senate. Booker has taken credit for reviving one of American most notorious failed cities and emerged as one of President Donald Trumps fiercest critics.   Early Years Booker was born to  Carolyn and Cary Booker, both executives at the IBM computer company, on April 27, 1969, in Washington, D.C. He was raised from a young age in Newark, New Jersey, and earned a football scholarship to Stanford University after graduating from Northern Valley Regional High School in Old Tappan, New Jersey, in 1987. He had been a football standout in high school but decided that athletics would be his ticket and not my destination. Booker earned both a bachelors degree political science and masters degree in sociology from Stanford University and an honors degree in history at Oxford University. He was a Rhodes Scholar and completed his law degree at Yale University. Political Career Booker began work  as a staff attorney for the Urban Justice Center, a nonprofit legal-services and advocacy agency in Newark, after earning his law degree. He was stationed in East Harlem at a time when police were aggressively sweeping many of the areas young people into the criminal justice system. Booker was elected to the Newark city council at age 29 and served from 1998 to 2002. In 2006, at age 37, he was first elected Newark mayor and heads the states largest, and perhaps most troubled, city. He was re-elected Newark mayor in 2010. He turned down an offer from President Barack Obama in 2009 to head the newly created White House Office of Urban Affairs Policy. Booker said he was considering a run for governor against Christie, whose  popularity surged  largely due to his handling of Hurricane Sandy in 2012 and  was seeking a second term  in 2013. In June of that year, he announced he would seek the U.S. Senate seat left vacant by the death of U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg, who died at age 89. In 2011, Time magazine named Booker one of the 100 most influential people. He was a prominent surrogate for Obama in the  2012 election  against  Republican Mitt Romney  and spoke at  that years Democratic National Convention. Presidential Aspirations Booker has said he will not run for the White House in 2020, but many observers believe he is laying the groundwork to unseat Republican Donald Trump, who was elected to a first term in 2016. They believe Bookers first signal at a 2020 candidacy we his unprecedented testimony against a colleague in the U.S. Senate,  Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, who was nominated for attorney general by Trump. Bookers speech in opposition to his colleague was compared to former President Barack Obamas soaring rhetoric. Said Booker of his decision to testify against Sessions: In the choice between standing with Senate norms or standing up for what my conscience tells me is best for our country, I will always choose conscience and country. ... The arc of the moral universe does not just naturally curve toward justice. We must bend it. Obama often referred to the arc of history and often used the quote: The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice.†Ã‚   Critics saw Bookers decision to testify against Sessions a clear sign of his intention to run for president in 2020. Wrote Republican U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas: â€Å"I’m very disappointed that Sen. Booker has chosen to start his 2020 presidential campaign by testifying against Sen. Sessions. Booker also made high-profile visits to states that are considered vital to presidential candidates including Iowa. Personal Life Booker is single and has no children. Controversies Booker has developed a reputation as Newark mayor for being plainspoken and blunt - characteristics that are somewhat rare in politicians and occasionally land them in hot water. During the 2012 election, Booker caught some flak when he described his partys attacks on Republican Mitt Romneys work at Bain Capital nauseating. The Romney picked up on the comments and used them in the campaign. Legacy Booker is an outspoken advocate for boosting the quality of public education in his city, and has led some particularly successful reforms as Newark mayor. He is also known for shining a light of poverty. In 2012, he embarked on a weeklong campaign to live on food stamps and lived on less than $30 worth of groceries. The constrained food options I have for this one short week highlight for me ... what many hardworking families have to deal with week after week, Booker wrote. Booker said he embarked on the food stamp project following a complaint by a constituent that nutrition is not the governments responsibility. This comment caused me to reflect on the families and children in my community who benefit from SNAP assistance and deserve deeper consideration, he wrote. In my own quest to better understand the outcomes of SNAP assistance, I suggested to this specific Twitter user that we both live on a SNAP equivalent food budget for a week and document our experience. In 25 Accomplishments in 25 Months, Booker and the Newark city council proclaimed successes in adding more police to the city streets, reducing violent crime, expanding public parks, improving access to public transportation and attracting new businesses to the area and creating jobs. Critics, however, have suggested the notion of a reviving Newark was just a mirage and Booker was merely a cheerleader who cared more about his image than getting things done. Journalist Amy S. Rosenberg wrote in 2016 that Booker left behind bruised feelings in the neighborhoods where residents wanted jobs more than cheerleading. And to the residents who forked over big increases in fees and taxes, there remains a gnawing suspicion that Booker cared more about the optics of a social media moment than actually delivering on basic city services. In 2012, Booker saved a woman from a burning house, news of which spread rapidly across social media. On the social network Twitter, users elevated Booker to a sort of hero status, writing that he could win a game of Connect Four with only three moves and that super heroes dress up as Cory Booker on Halloween. He became known as Supermayor. Notable Quotes â€Å"Before you speak to me about your religion, first show it to me in how you treat other people; before you tell me how much you love your God, show me in how much you love all His children; before you preach to me of your passion for your faith, teach me about it through your compassion for your neighbors. In the end, I’m not as interested in what you have to tell or sell as I am in how you choose to live and give.† â€Å"There are two ways to go through life, as a thermometer or a thermostat. Dont be a thermometer, just reflecting whats around you, going up or down with your surroundings. Be a thermostat and set the temperature.†Ã‚   â€Å"Tolerance is becoming accustomed to injustice; love is becoming disturbed and activated by another’s adverse condition. Tolerance crosses the street; love confronts. Tolerance builds fences; love opens doors. Tolerance breeds indifference; love demands engagement. Tolerance couldn’t care less; love always cares more. Sources Ross, Janell. â€Å"Six Noteworthy Things about Cory Booker.†Ã‚  The Washington Post, WP Company, 25 July 2016.Wogan, JB. â€Å"But What Did Cory Booker Actually Accomplish in Newark?†Ã‚  Governing Magazine: State and Local Government News for Americas Leaders, Governing, 1 Dec. 2013.Rosenberg, Amy S. â€Å"Cory Bookers Newark Mirage.† Politico, 8 July 2016. Fast Facts:  Cory Anthony Booker Known For:  U.S. Senator from New Jersey and potential 2020 presidential candidate.   Born:  April 27, 1969, in Washington, D.C. Parents:  Carolyn and Cary Booker. Education: Stanford University, B.S., M.A.; University of Oxford, honors degree; Yale Law School, J.D. Fun Fact: Booker became a social-media sensation after he entered a burning home in Newark, New Jersey, to save his neighbor in 2012.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Price Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Price - Essay Example Price is also very import in marketing. It is one of the four variables that are considered when coming up with marketing strategy. In the marketing mix, price is the utmost factor which determines how the commodity is accepted in the market and in which market segment that product will have to be sold. It is also used by business when they are developing the marketing plan for the products. In our ordinary life we use the term price in order to refer to the amount or the quantity of payment that is made in order to acquire something. In this regard it is taken as a form of compensation that is given in exchange for something. When not referring to the economical terms, price has the same meaning of the compensating for something that has been acquired. When a criminal is arrested and incarcerated, we usually say that one has paid the price of the crime. This implies that the criminal has been compensated for the crime that has been committed. Therefore it is an exchange that is used to settle a debt. But in the economic world, price is used to refer to the exchange ratio for goods or services. It is the amount that is given in order to acquirer something which means it is an exchange reaction that is equal to what is being acquired. In this case we should not only be referring to the price in terms of the monetary exchange but it can also mean the value that is equal to something. For example when use din barter trade it would be an exchange ratio that equates the product or service that are being exchanged. In this case if we take that we have two goods x and y, the price of commodity x will be the ration y/x and in the same manner the price of y will be the ration x/y. (Buiter, 1999) However this concept has not been used always to refer to the price and there are old confusion that still compound the concept. In this case we can take that the value of a commodity of are services to be equated to the quantity countered using a common unit of values which may even have been based on imagination. This is usually done in order to compare different goods and services. This is the unit value of something. But most of the time, we usually confuse the unit value of something with price based on the fact that market values is usually counted as the quantity of a commodity which is multiplied by the nominal price of the commodity. The theory of price The theory of price was constructed in order to show how the price of goods and services is arrived at in the market. The price theory asserts that the market price of a commodity is usually based on two opposing considerations. As we have said about if we base the market price on the unit value of the product, this may not be true because the unit value may be created on imaginations. Therefore the theory of price presents factors that prevail in the market and which help to determent the common stand in the market. In this case the buyer and the seller are the two people who are involved in the whole process. It is the willingness of the buyer to buy a product or a service and the willingness of the seller to dispose that product or service that will determine the price at which they will arrive in. Therefore setting of the market price is an interactive process that involves the buyer and the seller. Therefore on one side stands the demand factor while which is based on marginal utility of the product while on the other side

Friday, November 1, 2019

How to solve the Cost Crisis in Health Care Essay

How to solve the Cost Crisis in Health Care - Essay Example As far as the issue of measuring the cost of healthcare is concerned, the position taken by Kaplan and Porter will be agreed with since knowledge of the cost makes it possible to determine whether a person is getting value for money from healthcare expenditure (Harris & Lenox, 2013). In its current form, the United States healthcare system can be said to be suffering from a cost crisis that consists of both a system that is wrongly measured and one that is overly burdened on service users. In the opinion of Moran (2013) however, the best way to tackle the issue of cost crisis is to approach it from a more systematic perspective where the real quantum of cost put into the system can be found. From this position, the argument of Kaplan and Porter on the need for healthcare cost to experience cost reduction interventions will be agreed with. But as the authors themselves noted, it will be more important to know the real value of cost involved in healthcare delivery. This is because any form of rush to drastically reducing cost in the system may only be a way the whole country may be digging its own whole towards the reception of a ill-funded and thus a poor healthcare system (Ginter, Duncan and Swayne,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Biotechnology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Biotechnology - Essay Example Much debate has already taken place over this very debatable topic. The label of these foods is another very debatable topic; human beings need to be educated about these foods, it is also important to tell them about the pros and cons of consuming it. Companies would gleefully produce tons of genetically modified food but who would take the responsibility of distributing it and educating the consumers about it? These questions need to be answered sooner rather than later. â€Å"What is the level of detectability of GM food cross-contamination? Scientists agree that current technology is unable to detect minute quantities of contamination, so ensuring 0% contamination using existing methodologies is not guaranteed.† (Genetically Modified Food) Genetically modified food is the result of fine genetic engineering, human beings have come a long way and some of the recent developments that have been made are truly startling. Every coin is two sided and this particular case is no different, research goes to show that genetically modified foods have a better resistance against pests when compared to natural food. This means the losses incurred to farmers and other people who are involved in the same can easily be averted. Research also goes to show that genetically modified food is also resistant to herbicides which natural food can never be. These are some of its advantages but there are disadvantages too which must be considered to make its case even. Last year a laboratory study was published which showed that pollen from B.t. corn caused high mortality rates in monarch butterfly caterpillars. Monarch caterpillars consume milkweed plants, not corn, but the fear is that if pollen from B.t. corn is blown by the wind onto milkweed plants in neighboring fields, the caterpillars could eat the pollen and perish. Although the Nature study was not conducted under natural field

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Contraception And The Catholic Church Religion Essay

Contraception And The Catholic Church Religion Essay Religions place in civilization has always been a tenuous battle between the liberties society is willing to afford it, and the divine right they claim. More recently religion has come to fill the void between human desire and morality in the wake of inherent greed. The Roman Catholic Church is, perhaps, one of the most driven and commanding religious institutions; its claims have always been those of religious enlightenment, a beacon of hope morally guiding society in a world of darkness and sin. On an idyllic level, Catholicism functions as intended; for its millions of followers the Church provides a sense of stability and spiritual guidance. Yet regardless of intent or belief, religion and Catholicism are flawed; they are human concepts instituted and governed by man, inherently subject to human error and imperfection. Religion in general and particularly the Catholic Church have always claimed a monopoly on the definition of transgression and morality, fortifying its role in soc iety as a pillar of hope and faith for all people both good and evil. Yet history has demonstrated that these charges have been repeatedly abused and misinterpreted, catering to the powerful while often smothering subordinates cries of injustice. Perhaps one of the most staunch and unwavering views of the Catholic Church has been their stance on contraception; until the 1930s Catholicism stood side-by-side with Protestants in their dissenting view on the distribution and use of contraception. However with the advancement of modern medicine the use of contraception became an acceptable and essentially healthy practice for much of the world. While Protestants recognized the value of contraception and safe-sex, Catholicism still refuses to accept its necessary role in society. By the Catholic definition, transgression (otherwise known as sin) is defined as an offence against reason, truth, and right conscience; it is a failure in genuine love for God and neighbor caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods (Catholic Pages). Catholicism further splits sin into two categories: mortal sin and venial sin. Venial sin is a comparatively mild form of transgression when compared to mortal sin, as its consequence is not eternal damnation; it is essentially any sin that is committed without the full knowledge or intent of the parties involved and is not grave in nature (ONeil). For a transgressive act to be considered a mortal sin, it must fulfill three requirements: the matter must be grave, the sin must be committed with full knowledge, and the sin must be committed deliberately (Catholic Pages). Murder, theft, adultery, premarital sex, bearing false witness, and the use of contraception are all considered mortal sins in the eyes of the Catholic Church and ar e divinely punishable by eternal damnation (Catholic Pages). While there are several acts that unarguably belong in this category, it would seem that several are out of place, the most blatant being contraception. It is important to note that the Catholic definition of sin is neither more nor less legitimate than that of any other denomination; it is merely a byproduct of biblical interpretation and human policy. Many argue that one of Catholicisms greatest weapons has been its definition of sin, which has repeatedly been wielded to assert Church authority in matters ranging from warfare and foreign relations to simple public policy disagreements. Contraception, which by biblical reference is alternatively referred to as Onanism (referring to Onans sin of withdrawal in refusing to impregnate his dead brothers wife, a sin by Jewish faith) has been manipulated similarly to homosexuality (Brohm, Birth Control). The term Sodomy (like Onanism) was also coined by the Catholic Church, as i t referred to the men of Sodom and the homosexual acts they committed (Brohm, Birth Control). When an institution holds the power to define what is right, they hold a monopoly on justice and while it may be righteously wielded for a period, basic human nature makes its abuse inherent. Focusing specifically on the mortal sin of contraception, a practice that has come to be more than a means for inconsequential pleasure, especially in a world of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS, the need for its proper distribution and use is more necessary than ever before (particularly in preventing the spread of infectious and potentially deadly diseases). The Church has always maintained a firm stance on contraception, lauding it as a violation of natural law (Brohm, Contraception and Sterilization). This opinion can be traced back to passages in Genesis: But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so whenever he lay with his brothers wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother.  What he did was wicked in the Lords sight; so he put him to death also (Genesis 38:9-10). However this biblical reference is disputable as Onans use of coitus interruptus (otherwise known as withdrawal) was aimed at preventing the p regnancy of his dead brothers wife, with whom he was charged to procreate according to Jewish tradition. It was not merely for the sake of avoiding pregnancy that Onan acted in such a way; he was simply trying to avoid creating children for whom he couldnt provide. This single passage forms the basis for the Catholic argument against contraception. The church also considers the practice of sterilization (just as that of contraception) sinful as the majority of biblical doctrine compiled against contraception does not specifically prohibit contraceptive measures, but rather condemns the practice of sterilization as a defilement of the human body. When examined in context, much of Catholicisms argument against contraception is substantiated by their doctrine and interpretation. Epiphanius of Salamis wrote, They [certain Egyptian heretics] exercise genital acts, yet prevent the conceiving of children. Not in order to produce offspring, but to satisfy lust, are they eager for corruption (Brohm, Contraception and Sterilization). Epiphanius basis for claiming the Egyptians actions sinful seems to be more a statement against Egyptian culture and peoples (a civilization that was largely under Moslem rule and therefore in direct opposition to Catholicism), than a direct attack on the crime of contraception. It is more a method for the Church to gain control and power over a civilization than a moral statement like the Church often parades it as. This same format of condemnation occurs in the writings of St. Augustine; You [Manicheans] make your auditors adulterers of their wives when they take care lest the women with whom they copul ate conceive. They take wives according to the laws of matrimony by tablets announcing that the marriage is contracted to procreate children; and then, fearing because of your law [against childbearing]à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. They copulate in a shameful union only to satisfy lust for their wives (Brohm, Contraception and Sterilization). Again, the substantiation of Augustines argument is based not on the inherent sinfulness of contraception, but rather the transgressive actions of the Manicheans whose own law prevents them from bearing children in certain situations. Both Augustine and Epiphanius highlight an inherent irony that occurs repeatedly in Catholic doctrine; the Church adopts a position on an issue, not in the spirit of moral guidance and leadership, but rather as a means of vilifying and defiling societys view of a certain race or civilization (most typically one that was proclaimed heretic or had an outstanding argument with the Catholic Church such as the Manicheans or the Egy ptians). By using their power to interpret religious doctrine, the Church was often able to form their policy in a manner that vindicated their cause, while slandering the moral standards of their enemies and dissenters. In recent times the Catholic petition against contraception has focused on the defilement of marriage. The Churchs stance on the unacceptability of premarital sex has always remained firm; hence it is assumed that contraception is used only within the confines of marital relations. As is tradition, the current Pope Benedict XVI renewed the Catholic Churchs stance against the use of contraception (specifically birth control) in a 2008 Vatican statement calling the policy an important document which addresses one of the essential aspects of the marital vocation and of the specific path of holiness that follows from it (Ertelt). Essentially the current pontiff claims that the use of contraception is an attack on the natural expression of love displayed through the act of procreation. While Pope Benedict XVIs stance on contraception is more rationally defined than previous church policy, it still demonstrates a disconnect with modern society. Obviously the Church will never promote or en dorse multiple sex partners and it is unlikely that their stance on premarital sex will change in the near future, however their dissenting position on birth control and contraception suggests a lack of modern day colloquial knowledge. The rationale for the use of contraception is far beyond any ancient concepts of marital relations or natural order, the issue is one of public health and world population. Perhaps the most compelling rationale for contraceptive education and use is the current HIV/AIDS pandemic that is sweeping Africa and invading other parts of the world. As of 2007 it was estimated that approximately 33 million men, women, and children were afflicted by either HIV or AIDS (AVERT). Since 1981 the HIV/AIDS and the subsequent illnesses it causes has killed 25 million people (AVERT). While not all of these numbers can be derived directly from the absence of proper contraceptive measures, a fair majority of those afflicted acquire the disease through unprotected sexual interaction. In Sub-Saharan Africa, where more than 5% of the adult population is afflicted (roughly translating to 22 million people), some myths suggest the only cure for HIV/AIDS is unprotected intercourse with a virgin child, only further reinforcing the need for contraceptive awareness and education (AVERT). The Catholic Church has always regarded itself as a shelter for the poor, homeless, and otherwi se less fortunate; however their medieval stance on contraception suggests that they are ignoring the reality of modern times. Catholicism contradicts its own doctrine when it preaches a message of caring for the sick, only to turn and condemn contraception, a practice that could potentially stem disease and poverty on a global scale. Even ignoring disease, the proper education and use of contraception still holds the power to improve the standard of living worldwide. There are between 143 million and 210 million orphans worldwide; the Catholic Church has always pledged to be an institution that provides hope and shelter for those in need (including the millions of orphans), yet every year hundreds of thousands of unwanted pregnancies result in children being forced onto the streets or into the foster system (Skyward Journey). Mother Teresa, 1979 Nobel Peace Prize Winner and one of the most gracious and influential women in the twentieth century, fervently opposed the use of contraception. This is in many ways ironic, as Mother Teresas mission centered on caring for the impoverished children of the world. Her humanitarian efforts to promote adoption are legendary, yet in 1988 Oxford conference she stated that she would never allow a child entrusted to her care to be adopted by a woman who had an abortion or used c ontraceptives. Such a woman cannot love, she said. (BBC News). Mother Teresas stance on adoption and contraception are inherently contradictory; contraception reduces unwanted pregnancies, consequently reducing the number of orphaned children (Mother Teresas mission). Yet to say that contraception is not only a sin, but also a disqualifying characteristic for an adopting mother is (plainly put) ridiculous. There can be no solid proof that a woman who chooses to take birth control is incapable of loving; such a statement is fundamentally absurd. Mother Teresas opinion regarding contraception identically mirrors that of the Catholic Church as a whole (she was commonly called upon by Pope John Paul II to be an ambassador of Church doctrine), and demonstrates a clear disconnect with the problems facing the modern world. The Church also blatantly ignores the medicinal uses of birth control in their anti-contraceptive convictions. Sex without the consequence of pregnancy is not the only use for the pill; women who suffer from irregular and uncommonly painful menstruation periods turn to birth control as a form of relief and regulation. The hormones within the pill act to correct imbalances within some womens biological cycle (an aspect of birth control which Catholicism wholly ignores). This not only makes menstruation more regular and predictable, but it often shortens the total length and decreases the severity of side effects like nausea and cramps. Even the use of birth control for medicinal purposes is generally condemned by the Church, as their doctrine makes no exception or distinction between the medicinal and contraceptive use of the pill (similar to their adamant opposition to abortion, even when it is medically necessary to save an expecting mothers life). Ultimately Catholicisms opinion on contraception has remained static seemingly more for the sake of stubbornness and continuity than actual policy and necessity. With membership, attendance, and giving at an all time low within the Catholic Church (and most sects of Christianity), it would seem that these are a direct response to the stale doctrines and policies that Catholicism clings to in the midst of a dynamic and rapidly developing world. In an age where technology progresses at an exponential pace, humans seem to be searching for spiritual guidance that is as dynamic as the world they live in; not simply a regurgitated list of constant reverence and piety that stands unforgiving and unwavering in the face of new opinions and ideals. The Church preaches messages of forgiveness and compassion, is it not compassionate to prevent the conception of an unwanted child, in a world where children are regularly abandoned and orphaned. Catholicism needs to realize the gravity of their pol icies, millions worldwide look to the Churchs doctrine for guidance and in terms of contraception millions are misled. The same as condemning homosexuality, Catholicisms position on contraception touts those who violate their doctrine as sinners to be looked down, a class below those who are saved by their faith. Anyone familiar with the Bible knows that its teachings (and particularly the teachings of Jesus Christ) center on acceptance and love; nowhere in the Ten Commandments is it specified thou shall not use contraception but rather love thy neighbor and do not covet they neighbors property are dictated. The basic principles of compassion and the appreciation are taught, not constraint and restriction. The Catholic opinion and fixation with the sins of society ultimately detract from the purpose and message of religion in general; its purpose is not to dictate and control the lives of its followers, but rather to support and supplement believers faith, counseling them in times o f trouble and providing an explanation for those areas which man falls short.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

France is considered a very prosperous nation. The prosperity of this nation was mostly from the huge economic changes that were made after the 1940’s. This was because the French government started to modernize the economy. They developed new methods of production and trade through a series of national plans. Although, they still have macroeconomic problems just like every other country. Macroeconomics are economic concepts and theories that apply to the economy as a whole. Macroeconomic problems are issues such as inflation, balance of payments disequilibrium, fluctuations in exchange rates, depreciation in currency, and the decision as to whether a country should have a floating or managed exchange rate. However, France's leaders remain committed to a capitalism in which they maintain social equity by means of laws, tax policies, and social spending that mitigate economic inequality. France’s main source of currency is the Euro. As with most countries, France does their best to base their currency off the U.S. Dollar. As of 2011 (World Book Encyclopedia), the Euro was equal with the U.S. Dollar. Unfortunately, since then the value of the Euro has declined over the years. According to the exchange rate, in 2012 it was at .78, and in 2013 it was at .76. This shows that the Euro is depreciating. This follows into the matter of inflation. France has an inflation rate for consumer prices of 1.1% (2014). This apparently went down over the last year as in 2012, it was at 2.2%. Even though, this is relatively low, which is why they are such a prosperous nation. They are especially low when comparing their inflation rate with some countries such as Zimbabwe, who has an inflation rate of 8.5% (2013). Compared to the w... ...g opposed active exchange rate intervention. Hollande then contradicted their point of view by saying â€Å"reform of the international monetary system was indispensable.† He feels that France needs to decide on medium-term exchange rate and act on an international level to protect their own interests. There is the fear in several countries that single currency countries whose efforts to improve their competitiveness could be destroyed by the Euro, which has been rising in value. This fear may soon be put to rest though, as the Euro has had recent strength. The macroeconomic problems in France are relatively minor compared to the ones of other countries. Despite stagnant growth and fiscal challenges, France's borrowing costs have declined in recent years because investors remain attracted to the liquidity of France’s bonds. Thus, they are a fairly strong country.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Health and Social Care Management Essay

This assignment discusses communication skills, and the various factors that influence the communication process. It looks at learning theories, strategies to improve interpersonal behaviour, charters and codes of practice, the usage of information technology, and the effectiveness of such systems, together with legislation, across the health and social care environment. Communication is a process of passing information from one person to the other and between employees, agencies, service users and their relatives in health and social care through verbal and non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication is a form of communication (e.g. body language, signs and symbols). Verbal communication is communicating with words (e.g. conversation). In order to improve relationships with service users, their families, colleagues, managers and others who worked within health and social care environment, care workers need to have good communication skills. Good, supportive relationships are built on effective communication (Michie, 2006). Communicating effectively performs a significant role in health and social care workplace, therefore understanding learning theories can improve the quality of communication process. In health and social care, learning theories have been effectively applied. For example, social learning theory, is learning by imitating the behaviour of others – either consciously or unconsciously. It is applied in health and social care by offering the positive things learnt from others into health and social care workplace to improve staff-patients interpersonal relationships. The woman who decided to stop drinking after being aware of the risk of having liver disease or  felt proud after she quit drinking completely is an example of social learning theory (Bandura, 1977). The importance of communicating effectively is shown in the hospital appointment scenario where the doctor was devoid of good communication skills. He is an example of a poor communicator who appears to have used his position of power in his ‘closed’ questioning style. Shukla et al. (2010) that ‘good doctor-patient communication has a positive impact’ on patients reactions to consultations. For example, it improves patient satisfaction, physician satisfaction. In fact, doctors who are patient-focused have a been reported by patients to have a good quality of care (op.cit). The present scenario shows that interpersonal skills are lacking resulting in the patient’s apparent dissatisfaction with treatment. In the scenario the doctor did not recap to the patient, and there was no active listening and relationship between them (Moss, 2012). Classical conditioning theory is also used to change and improve peoples’ behaviour. This can be used in setting with the mentor and mentee. It is learning by association. For example learning to feel upset at the sight of flashing police lights in your rearview mirror. It is applied in health and social care, by making sure service users, their relatives, visitors etc. receive quality care and services so that they can respond positively regarding the kind of care and services that was render to them by health and social care workers. Classical conditioning process remains significant today for various applications, including transformation and mental health treatment. Classical conditioning is often used to treat anxiety, panic disorder and phobias (Pavlov, 1927). Skinner’s (1938) model of operant conditioning often is a effective way of changing behaviour by reinforcement. For example when a child is rewarded for achieving a higher grade at school or when a baby is crying and chocolate is given to the baby and the baby stop crying. And any time the baby cries and chocolate is given to the baby, the baby will d stop crying. It is applied in health and social care workplace, whereby a mentor will give a mentee a constructive and encouraging feedback and advice e.g. a  general practitioner (GP) giving a patient a constructive feedback and advice from the patient medical condition enquiries (Nevid, 2008). Michie (2006) stated that different skills can be used to promote effective communication in health and social care. Therefore, health and social care workers must be able to communicate effectively with patients, there is need for them to understand how patients feel and the things they want and need. They need to be able to respond to patients concerns and questions in ways that can be understood and they need to be able to communicate effectively with their managers, colleagues, visitor and other professionals. For example, they need to be able to pass on information which others can understood and to understand instructions by communicating clearly, slowly, concisely and avoid using jargons when giving instructions of medication intake to service users. For example, in the hospital scenario when there was no personal relationship between the doctor and the patient (Bastable, 2008). According Moonie (2005) health and social care workers must understand the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication in order to communicate with service users. Non-verbal communication comprises the use of signs and pictures, body language such as facial expressions, posture, eye contact, and gestures. Health and social care workers need to be an active listeners, and let service users have their right to communicate their needs and preference and to make decisions and choices to improve the quality of their life. There may be obstacles to effective doctor-patient relationship, when a doctor does not aid open communication with a patient. For example, when a patient does not understand medical terminology, or believe the doctor has not really listened and therefore, does not have the information to make good treatment decisions. The doctor should sit down, maintain eye contact, listen without interrupting and explain and restore confidence during test (Hill, 2011). Another area to be examined in health and social care is interpersonal communication, which is the process by which people exchange information, feelings, and meaning through verbal and non-verbal messages; it is  face-to-face communication. Interpersonal communication is not what is actually said or the language used, but how it is convey and the non-verbal messages pass through tone of facial expressions, body language, gestures and voice. Discrimination can cause inappropriate interpersonal communication in health and social care environment, because people often feel that they belong to certain types of group whom they share same view, look similar and who m they think alike. Health and social care workers must have to be interested in learning about other people, they should not divide service users into group, and must not exclude them from receiving quality care services because they belong to a different ethnic group, religion, culture, gender or age group or because of the ir sexuality. Stereotype is another factor that can cause inappropriate interpersonal communication. carers may make assumptions about their patients based on stereotyped thinking, this may be barriers to effective communication in health and social care workplace. For example, health and social care worker, working with elderly people, may decided to wash and dress an older service user without asking her what she want or need because the carer feel she is old and she can remember anything â€Å"old people do not remember† (Downs and Adrian, 2004). In health and social care sector, there are different strategies healthcare professionals can use to support service users with particular communication needs (e.g. SOLER technique, and Braille) have been put in place to help those with mental and physical disabilities to overcome communication barriers. Braille is a system of communication based on raised marks that can be read by the visual impair people. SOLER is a non-verbal listening technique used in communication; face the other squarely, adopt an open posture, lean towards other, maintain eye contact and relax. Health and social professionals may come across a number of patients at workplace who speak different language rather than English, have disabilities which may affect their speech. These service users may need respective approach and specific needs, service users can be complemented by communication skills and technological aids. For example, when a carer is communicating with a patient with visual impairment, closed personal space is required so that health care professionals and service users, can develop closer  relationships in order to convey accurate message. Health care professionals have to use technological support (e.g. screen enlarger and text-to-speech devices). And also pictures, diagrams, written information printed in big characters with illustrations can be use to assist service users with communication difficulties (Weiten et al., 2011). It is imperative for health and social care workers to have a knowledge base of cultural diversity. Differences can occur in attitudes, norms of behaviour; high (Chinese, Thai and Japanese), medium (English, French, Italian, Spanish) and low (North Americans, Germans, Swiss) context cultures can influence how health and social care professionals interact with service users to achieve good communication relations and quality care services. High context cultures convey a limited portion of the meaning of words, which must be interpreted in terms of how it is being said, where it is being said, and the body language of the speaker. Medium context cultures convey a fair portion of the meaning of words. It depends the context in which the message is delivered. Low context cultures convey most of the meaning of words in the communication. Understanding differences and similarities within and between cultures can also improve staff relationship in health and social care sector. People learn the values, customs and norms of their culture through communication, the cultural values are impacted in the way that people speak, perceive and interpret the words. In order to prevent misunderstanding in health and social care sector, cultural diversity must be understood and accepted (Rasheed et al., 2010). Culture has specific symbols consisting of verbal symbols, non-verbal symbols, language, symbols and signs. We know that we are product of many cultures and traditions, that mutual respect allows us to learn from other cultures, culture can become clearest in well-meaning clashes e.g. interacting with people from different backgrounds. Each may behave ‘normally’ as far as their own culture is concerned, but not as judged by the other culture (Bastable, 2008). Working in the health care sector, it is fundamental that facets of confidentiality are understood and applied by employers and employees. By understanding legislation and Code of Practice averts misuse of confidential  objects by professionals working in the health care sector. Therefore it is the duty of employees to stick to these rules in order to encourage good practice. Not abiding to these principles can lead to patient disappointment and lack of trust in health care services. The Health and Social Care Act 2012 (DH, 2012) outlines the changes of NHS system which is the replacement of Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) and the responsibilities of the clinical commissioning groups, who are GPs and other clinicians, to allow greater liability for using local resources economically under the support of NHS Commissioning Board. This Act aims at incorporated and more available service provision placing the need of local people and patient in the middle, which would reduce pointless costs and time devoted during the administration work. Equality Act 2010 protects people who have different characteristic on the ground of disability, race, marriage status, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation from being discriminated in the case of employment, perception, association, payment, access to health care and social services and so on (Walsh et at. 2011). This legislation and code of practice are implemented as guidelines for the professionals to produce effective work-relationship. Also, health and social care provider should respect religious and cultural diversity of the service users and implement an equal advance towards the disabled people as a good organisational practice. The Charter for Communication place the right of people with a communication impairment in terms of information, support and training, time to speak, right of entry to services, addition in social networks, and services from employers. Due to this Charter, health and social care service providers and general public have been able to adopt and develop suitable method of communication, such as providing choices of booking a GP visits, allocating experienced staff with balancing communication tools in reception area, or offering additional time to value the needs of people with communication complexities (Walsh et al., 2011). It is the responsibility of employers and staffs working in the health care sector to be familiar with policies and procedures. It is also important that they know who to report to in situations of improbability. Health and social care workers must be able to direct those in their care to  professional organisations who can offer advice and support to people experiencing various difficulties. When employees adhere to the policy and system of an organisation, this will enhance the safety of employees and service users within the health care organisation. For example, the confidentiality policy which stated that people personal information should be protected and process fairly at all time, service users personal details must be protected by health and social care workers (Moss, 2012). The Care Quality Commission (CQC) controls all health and adult social care services in England including those provided by the NHS, local authorities, private companies or voluntary organisation. The CQC makes sure that necessary standards of quality of care and safety are being met where care is provided, from hospitals to private care homes. The CQC make sure better care is provided for everyone in the hospital, care homes, own homes or elsewhere. When communication is supported through organisational policies and staff training, this will create a safe working environment for service provider and service users, and it will also improve the communication skills of health care professionals and service users fulfilment (Hill, 2011). In health and social care sector, there are different techniques that have been put in place to develop the communication process in the health and social care sector. Communication can be blocked if people differences are not understood. For example when people don’t get the message, include visual disabilities, hearing disabilities, environments, and speaking from too far away and when people cannot make sense of their messages e.g. the use of different languages, the use of different terms, such as jargons (technical language) and slang (using different terms) in health and social care workplace. Health and social care workers need to be trained in the areas of identifying barriers and how to improve the communication processes in health and social care in order to be able to provide quality care service for the service users. For example, health and social care workers should avoid using jargons and slang to communicate in health and social care organisation in order to avoid communication barriers (Moonie, 2005). Since I started health and social care management course, I have developed new uses for information communication technology (ICT) and the benefits are worth the effort and has resulted in major improvement in my area of work, not just for providing quality service for the service users, but also for the benefit of me and my work team. With the use of information communication technology (ICT), I can now check information about patient care by assessing the modern email system which is the fastest and secured way of exchanging information, and to support a patient-centred care approach for older people and people with long term condition by electronically enabling single assessment process (e-SAP). I also use information communication technology (ICT) to improve, more consistent monitor and record service users conditions. For example, by using electronic mat to monitor the movement of a confuse patient, that will immediately alert me when the patient stood on. The electronic mat is always spread by the side of the patient bed, and the buzzer will sound when the patient stood on it. I use information communication technology (ICT) to get better information to support and improved my performances (Moonie, 2010). Over the last three decades in health and social care settings, huge benefits has been achieved by the use of information communication technology (ICT) by users of services care workers and care organisations. Service users can benefit from information communication technology (ICT) by the use of Electronic Health Record that will give them information about their health record held by their General Practitioner (GP) or their health care professionals, in order for them to be able to take control and participate in their care, so that they can receive treatment at the right time. Service users can also benefit from the use of information communication technology (ICT) by using e-prescribing that will help service users to collect their medication straight from the pharmacy without waste of time, errors in dispensing (such as wrong drug or contraindicated drug) and it eliminate hard-to-read handwritten prescriptions. Care workers and care organisations can benefit from the enhance performance of quality services delivered by the use of information communication technology (ICT). For example, the breakdown to barriers to communication and information exchange between health care workers and the organisation through electronic systems, and the use of Clinical Decision Support System also help  clinicians to support the decisions of other professionals (Rafferty and Steyaet, 2007). However, there are legal consideration in the use of information communication technology (ICT) in relating to Data Protection Act 1998, which stated that service users information must be confidential and should not be disclosed, and can only be disclose to certain people e.g. Social worker, General Practitioner (GP), Police etc. The employers have a legal duty under Health and Safety at work Act etc 1974 to safeguard, so far as is ‘reasonably practicable’, the health, safety and welfare of their employees and others who may be affected by the work activity, and provide and maintain safe equipment and safe systems of work. Employers must also carry out risk assessment and have a written health and safety policy ( if there are five or more staff), display health and safety poster etc. The employees must take care of themselves and other and follow safety advice and instructions. Workers who use computers for long periods of time are prone to health problems, this is why it is important to understand health and safety at work because it can lead to mental disorder, nausea, fatigue etc (Lash, 2002). This assignment explored communication skills and how different factors influence the communication process, and theories of communication have been applied to health and social care together with the use of information technology in health and social care. References Bandura, A. (1977) Social learning theory. New York: Prentice Hall. Bastable, S. B. (2008) Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice. 3rd ed. London: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Downs, C. W. and Adrian, A. D. (2004) Assessing organisational communication: Strategic communication audits. New York: The Guilford Press. Hill, S. (2011) The knowledgeable patient: Communication and participation in health. Oxford: Wiley-Backwell. Lash, S. (2002) Critique of Information. London: Sage. Michie, V. (2006) BTEC first Health and Social Care. United Kingdom: Nelson Thornes. Moonie, N. (2010) Developing effective communication. In: B. Stretch and M. Whitehouse (eds.). BTEC national level 3: Health and social care book 1. London: Pearson Education. Moonie, N. (2005) Health and social care: AS Level for Edexcel. Oxford: Heinemann Education Publishers. Moss, B. (2012) Communication Skills in Health and Social Care. Second Edition. London: Sage. Nevid, J. S. (2008) Psychology: Concepts and applications. 3rd ed. Boston: Cengage Learning. Pavlov, I. P. (1927) Conditioned Reflexes: An Investigation of the Physiological Activity of the Cerebral cortex. Translated and Edited by G.V. Anrep. London: Oxford University Press. Rasheed, E., Hetherington, A. and Irvine, J. (2010) BTEC Level 3: Health and social care endorsed by edexcel. London: Hodder Education & Dynamic Learning. Rafferty, J. and Steyaet, J. (2007) Social work in Digital Society. London: Sage. Shukla, A., Tiwari, R., a nd Kala, R. (2010) Studies in computational intelligence. Berlin: Springer publications. Skinner, B. f. (1938) The Behaviour of Organism: An experiment analysis. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts. Weiten, W., Dunn, D. S. and Hammer, E. Y. (2011) Psychology applied to modern life: Adjustment in the 21st century. 10th ed. Belmont: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Walsh, M., Mitchell, A., Millar, E., Rowe, J., Greenhalgh, L., Langride, E. and Chaloner, R. (2011) Health and social care: Level3 Diploma candidate handbook. London: Collins Education.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Capella unit

In The Workplace In many business's today important vital customer information is stored within a company's database, easily accessed by employees with the right verification. The vulnerability of sensitive information is at an alarming risk. Most company's password policies are vague only asking for a one step verification, which entails either the employee's date of birth, or the last four digits of their social security number. I have vast experience working in hotels, and the one common thing I have personally foundIs that the password authentication process can easily be manipulated. As years of working In the hotel business I have had access to customers' credit card numbers, addresses, phone numbers, as well as email addresses. I have personally seen the ease of accessing another person's password. Hypothetically In the hotel business If a customer or any other unauthorized person or persons were able to access the hotel computers, It wouldn't be too difficult to hack one of t he employees' passwords and gain access to the customer files containing all of their information.It is my personal pinion that every company big or small should have a complex password authentication system in place to protect the very customers that keep them afloat. We see it not quite daily but do see it often in the news where business's get hacked into and hundreds of thousands of people are affected. Most of the time these â€Å"hacks† would have been easily avoided had the company put in place a more complex password authentication system. In closing I hope to one day develop a hack proof password system, to protect not only consumers, but corporate database, as well as their integrity.